It can be said that emergency rooms are not usually used in our daily life. It sometimes occurs that people talk abusively or act violently towards doctors or nurses at emergency rooms. For example, those people who are unable to make conscious judgment due to the use of alcohol or drugs, or who lose control of emotions from anxiety due to their or their family’s emergency situation. Police officers are sometimes dispatched depending on the situation.
Doctors and nurses are required to take a course on how to use SASUMATA in order to protect themselves from abuse.
These cases should n’t be disregarded simply because we don’t usually use emergency rooms. No one knows what the future can hold. You and your family wouldn’t be able to receive appropriate care if doctors and nurses were in danger at an emergency room. They should not need to feel threatened when providing appropriate medical care to patients.
We aim for safe and secure medical environments where doctors and nurses can work without fear or without having to take self-protection courses.
Around the world, research is being conducted on how to make appropriate medical environments without the existence of abusive language or violence and measures have been taken to improve such situations.
Doctors and nurses are human beings just like we are.
It is important that all of us who use emergency rooms to realize this fact and take appropriate measures.
The data for this awareness poster (A3 size) on violence in emergency care can be downloaded here.
2018年7月、名古屋市立大学病院 救命救急センターで医師が患者にカッターで切りつけられました。その男性患者は駆け付けた警察官に現行犯逮捕され、医師の命に別状はありませんでしたが、他の病院でも同様に医療者が患者や付き添いからの暴力や暴言に遭う事例は後を絶ちません。
救急医療における暴力は海外でも問題視されており、イギリスでは救急医療における暴力や攻撃を減らすためのデザインプロジェクトのレポート(REDUCING VIOLENCE AND AGGRESSION IN A&E)が2011年に発行されています。
A doctor was attacked with a box cutter by his patient at an emergency and critical care center in Nagoya City University Hospital in July 2018. The patient (male) was restrained by a police officer. The doctor’s life wasn’t in danger. However, the same cases occur one after another at other hospitals. Why do medical workers have to suffer such violence? Why are they verbally abused by patients or their attendants?
Violence at emergency rooms has been seeing as a worldwide problem. The design project report (REDUCING VIOLENCE AND AGGRESSION IN A&E) was published in UK in 2011 in order to reduce violence or violent attacks.
This website and poster were created on an experimental basis at the suggestion of a student in the ‘Study Group on Healthcare Art in Emergency Medicine’, a 2022 project of the Nagoya Healthcare Arts Management Promotion Project.